Tahoe Life fully support Earthhour 2019

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Tahoe Life fully support Earth Hour 2019

Organised by World Wildlife Fund, Earth Hour is the largest annual environmental movement that brings attention to the effects of climate change by asking people across the globe to switch off lights at homes and businesses for one hour. 

To show our support, Tahoe Life will switch off our LED sign on the waterfront and the unnecessary lighting and equipment in our offices between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on 30 March 2019.

As a corporate citizen, Tahoe Life is committed to doing our part to protect our planet’s limited resources. That’s why we have taken into account the environmental measures when we moved to our new head office. Apart from installing energy saving equipment and recycle bins, we have also deployed daylight sensors and motion sensors to our lighting system to help save energy.

We believe that if we all change the way we live, even the actions are small, we can make a big difference for our planet. We’re in. Are you?

Our pledge: http://bit.ly/2HFRXqv



泰禾人壽今年已簽署支持及參與由世界自然基金會(WWF)主辦的「地球一小時」環保行動,並於3月29日 8時30分關掉銅鑼灣新時代中心頂部的大型LED燈屏及辦公室內非必要的燈光及電器一小時,承諾珍惜自然資源以守護地球的未來、實踐可持續的消費模式及減少浪費。

今年活動主題是「慳啲 醒啲 改變生活 ‧ 變好世界」,泰禾人壽已踏出一步,你呢?
