Explore paradises on earth - stroll on the mirror of the sky and take a closer look at an active volcano

Explore paradises on earth - stroll on the mirror of the sky and take a closer look at an active volcano

There are some places in the world that you see their photos for the first time, you will never forget their beauties. We used to work too hard for our family and career when we were young and very often, we have not had chances to have long holidays to travel to these places. We thus have to include them in our wish list for the time being. When we retire, we might as well go to experience some very different lifestyles and get to understand better things in our lives.


Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia – a breathtaking attraction of “the mirror of the sky”


Here, you may experience the greatness of the nature. It is the largest salt flat in the world. After raining, a thin layer of water on its surface transforms it into a gigantic mirror reflecting the sky by fusing with the clear salt crystals at its bottom, making it an extensive and excellent landscape for creative photos with the presence of a clear blue sky and banks of white clouds.


At night, reflecting into your eyes is only the glittering Galaxy that lights up the whole dark sky. You may drive or stroll along this incredibly peaceful salt lake, being surrounded by starlight reflected from the surface and the sky, feeling like amid the universe. Under the glamourous sky at night, take a photo that is stunning and intoxicating, making it an unforgettable moment of your life.


Rambling through violence and peace in Vanuatu


To take a close-up and feel the power of the nature, you may visit Yasur Volcano in Vanuatu at night. Stare into the ever-bursting active volcano and feel the power of its eruptions by listening to its loud bangs, watching the magma bursting violently as well as catching a whiff of widespread sulfur. It’s such a natural firework display sure to leave you spellbound!


Walking into the residential areas of the ordinary folk in Vanuatu, you may still experience the peaceful and relaxing lifestyle. In this territory that was listed the happiest nation in the world lives the nice and friendly indigenous inhabitants who always have a warm smile on their face so that you could feel their satisfying soul and mind. Their way of living that is so simple and unsophisticated, makes us understand the importance of the harmonious relationship between humans and nature, allowing us to re-assess our materialistic values.


We are all fascinated by a care-free retirement when we would travel around the world and live a wonderful life. Yet, we need to have huge amounts of funding to fulfill this dream life. It’s, therefore, important for us to plan early and evaluate our retirement needs. We have to be determined and strive towards our goal. Tahoe Life’s “Superior Harvest Income Plan” enables you to accumulate funds to realise your ideal retirement life. Call immediately our professional financial consultants to plan for your retirement so that you may just relax and make your travel plan exploring the world.